Design meets craftmanship

ETQ Amsterdam

  • Client
  • ETQ Amsterdam
  • Category
  • Product design, Image editing, Graphic design, Branding
  • Year
  • 2015 - 2018

ETQ produces luxury sneakers and focuses on detailed design and craftsmanship. The shoes are handmade in Portugal, the headquarter design studio is based in Amsterdam, the adjacent flagstore houses a selection of established brands and young talent. In order to stay tuned with new developments in shoe-/fashiondesign, international trade fairs are visited on a regular basis.

I worked here for three years, started as a graphic designer and soon became a junior designer, (co-) responsible for the design of all internal (merchandise) collections (two seasons a year), plus a regular number of new collaborations with external parties.

Technical analysis

Production of flat illustrative drawings of the product, with accurate representation of the different dimensions and technical details, in order to clarify the task for the manufacturer.

ETQ Amsterdam sheet
ETQ Amsterdam labels


Formatting of various products, from shoes to coats to branding of the labels at the inside, taking into account the different mutual perspectives to show their proportions as clearly as possible.

ETQ Amsterdam drawing
ETQ Amsterdam branding

Colours & materials

After designing the final product - the blank canvas - you need colours and materials. Fashion and leather events like Premier Vision Paris and Lineapelle Milan provide inspiration for fashion/shoe design professionals, based on trend forecasts. Contact with the tanneries, regular trips to the factory in Portugal, checkups, colouradjustments, final adjustments, each color is different on different material. To get the right color on the specific material so that quality is guaranteed.

ETQ Amsterdam colors

Factory visits

Regular visits to factory in portugal to carry out intermediate sample/quality checks. Last adjustments for final delivery of the collections to wholesale accounts.

ETQ Amsterdam factory
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 1
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 2
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 3
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 4
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 5
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 6
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 7
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 8
ETQ Amsterdam shoe 9
ETQ Amsterdam look 1
ETQ Amsterdam look 2
ETQ Amsterdam look 3
ETQ Amsterdam look 4
ETQ Amsterdam look 5

Meet the 'sonic'

I directed, edited and created the soundeffects for this video for an ETQ shoe that includes my design intake. I jumped into the deep by teaching myself through Premiere Pro. With specialized help of ETQ's Lost Visuals for the color grades.

ETQ Amsterdam shoe bag