The ten commandments

Mediacollege Amsterdam

  • Client
  • Mediacollege Amsterdam
  • Category
  • Branding, Product development, Conceptual design
  • Year
  • 2013

Based on the albums and media expression of Kanye West, one of his admirers created a religion for him, called 'Yeezianity'. In my view, Kanye West needs a sacred book: The Mission, a modern Bible, containing its own formulated prescriptions, based on its own statements.

For this assignment I took the Ten Commandments a a starting point. The cover of the book is based on Michelangelo's Creation of Adam. I used one hand instead of two, to refer to the big ego of Mr. West.

Kanye West open book
Kanye West close up book book

The book

The book had to be a mix of the modern look & feel of today. How people consider old books. I did that by playing with font and paper structures in the layout.

Kanye West close up page
Kanye West spread
Kanye West head
Kanye West head


The 'I Am Going' (for president 2020) campaign must shock with texts in which Kanye West refers to religions, to draw attention to his holy book. For this assignment I took his track I Am A God literally and replaced A God with the names of famous spiritual leaders, so that the text would stand out, shock, or at least surprise the reader with a glimpse of West's true nature.

Kanye West campaign
Kanye West spread
Kanye West book presentation